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Future Cities: Designing for Ownership


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— Panel tijdens PICNIC 2011 i.s.m. The Mobile City over 'ownership' als alternative ontwerpmethode.

Dit artikel is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels

Virtueel Platform and the Mobile City organise a panel at PICNIC 2011 on 'ownership' as an alternative design approach.

The “Smart City” paradigm in urban design promises a future in which our cities will be more efficient and sustainable, thanks to the advent of digital media technologies. That's great of course, but are cities really all about calculation and efficiency?

In this session we present “ownership” as an alternative design approach. How can we engage new technologies to keep our ever more complex cities livable and lively for humans? How can we design cities where citizens feel they belong, and feel the city belongs to them as well? Where they have the power to act on communally shared issues? In short: how can digital media aid in strengthening a sense of “ownership” among urbanites?

Future Cities

Session moderated by Tracy Metz, renowned journalist of NRC and talks by Cathy Brickwood (Virtueel Platform), Michiel de Lange & Martijn de Waal ( and Carl Lens (

Future Cities: Designing for Ownership is the official launch of "Ownership in de hybride stad", a study conducted by Virtueel Platform and The Mobile City as part of a bigger project on the Hybrid City / Media en de Stad.



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