Internationale E-cultuur beleidsagenda's
ASEF Mini Summit Singapore 2008 Groep
— Een verzameling van belangrijke internationale beleidsagenda's.
Deze bundeling van internationale beleidsagenda's biedt inzicht in belangrijke ontwikkelingen op internationaal e-cultuurgebied vanaf 1997.
Amsterdam Agenda (1997)
This document is the first result of the conference
"From Practice to Policy: Towards a European Media Culture" (P2P) held
in October 1997 in Rotterdam and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The
conference was held under the auspices of the Council of Europe and with
the support of theNetherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and
Science (OCenW), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Cities of
Rotterdam and Amsterdam. The conference is part of the programme of the
Project Group for New Technologies: Cultural Co-operation and
Communication of the Culture Committee of the Council of Europe.
The P2P Conference brought together expert practitioners in media culture from 22 organi-sations in 12 European countries. Their work exemplifies what "good practice" in media culture can be, in a variety of fields: art, design, music, video, cultural theory, virtual reality and the Internet. Organisations at the conference work in a variety of innovative ways and on a variety of operational scales.
This Agenda identifies several themes which are of shared pragmatic interest to these communities. It is not a statement of high principle with which all artists - or policy makers in government and industry - are asked to agree. It is from future discussion of these themes, among all parties, that a media culture for Europe will emerge. This document is one part of that process.
Helsinki Agenda (2004)
The Helsinki Agenda is a strategy document on
international development of new media culture policy. Proposed by the
International expert meeting on media arts and media culture policy,
Helsinki, August 22-23, 2004.
This document was produced in dialogue between international experts in new media cultural policy. The meeting convened during ISEA2004, the 12th International symposium on Electronic Art in Helsinki. The meeting was co-hosted by IFACCA, International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies, the Arts Council of Finland and m-cult centre for new media culture.
The Helsinki Agenda recognizes Finland s pioneering role in media culture and arts, and in creating open access tools and accessible mobile communication technologies (software, technology and interfaces between information technology and culture). These broaden and deepen the role that media and information can play in civil society and knowledge creation. Finland s history recognizes the strong commitment to democratic and civic values in the media and information practices.
This makes Finland an exemplar worthy of consideration and emulation in a variety of local, national and global contexts. The constant change of new media culture makes policy creation and implementation a challenging task which can only be addressed through an ongoing dialogue between policy-makers and practitioners. ISEA2004 and other international events have demonstrated that the field of electronic, information and media arts and research has reached a level of aesthetic and social sophistication that makes the formulation of these recommendations possible and creates a climate of urgency that can further their realization.
Delhi Declaration of a New Context for New Media (2005)
The Open Networks Agenda for International
Collaboration in Media and Communication Arts January-June 2005. By
Shuddhabrata Sengupta and Tapio Makela.
The discussions that gave rise to this document took place at a meeting of an 'International Working Group on New Media Culture' hosted by the Open Cultures Network - a network created by the Waag Society, Amsterdam, Sarai-CSDS Delhi and Public Netbase, Vienna.
The meeting, which featured contributions by artists, theorists, critics, curators, arts administrators, researchers, social scientiests and software programmers from India, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Finland, Italy, Australia, New Zealand and Canada took place at Sarai-CSDS, Delhi in January 2005. This text is a draft of a declaration ('The Delhi Declaration') that emerged from this meeing. This draft of the Delhi Declaration is written by Shuddhabrata Sengupta from Sarai CSDS & Raqs Media Collective, Delhi and Tapio Makela, m-Cult, Helsinki based on the inputs and contributions made by the members of the working group during the course of their deliberations.
Singapore Mini Summit on New Media Policy and Practice (2008)
De "Mini Summit on New Media Policy and Practice",
georganiseerd van 24 tot 26 juli 2008 in Singapore, bracht een
internationale groep experts op het gebied van Nieuwe Media kunst en
beleid bij elkaar. Het verslag en de beleidsadviezen zijn nu te
downloaden in PDF formaat.
De Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF) en de International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA) publiceerden vandaag, 12 maart 2009, het verslag en de beleidsadviezen die voort zijn gekomen uit de Mini Summit on New Media Arts Policy and Practice. Beide partijen hebben de wens uitgesproken om door te gaan met het traject in 2009.
De Mini Summit, georganiseerd tijdens ISEA2008 (International Symposium for Electronic Arts), bracht 54 kunstenaars, onderzoekers en beleidsmakers bij elkaar uit 26 verschillende landen om een overzicht te maken van hoofdpunten die van belang zijn om een blauwdruk te maken van beleid voor van nieuwe media kunst.
Het document met beleidsadviezen (Policy Recommendations) bevat dialoog van het afgelopen decennium over beleid en praktijk van nieuwe media kunst. Een van de belangrijkste adviezen is om een bestaand platform voor transnationale mediakunst te ontwikkeling of te ondersteunen. Hierdoor wordt het mogelijk om informatie over de praktijk van de mediakunst te delen en te promoten.
Het verslag (Report), onder redactie van Annette Wolfsberger van Virtueel Platform, beschrijft het proces en de procedures van de "Mini Summit". De beleidsadviezen komen ook in de gesprekken die opgenomen zijn in het verslag aan bod. Het verslag bevat ook case studies en quotes and the resultaten van de "IFACCA’s D’Art survey", die werd uitgezet tijdens de voorbereidingen van het evenement.