Paralelo: Unfolding Narratives
— Internationale samenwerking en uitwisseling op het gebied van kunst, cultuur, media en technologie.
Dit artikel is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels
The publication 'Paralelo - Unfolding Narratives: in Art, Technology & Environment' is the result of a call for papers issued by the editorial group to the 45 participants of the Paralelo workshop held in Sao Paulo in March 2009.
The participants of the Paralelo workshop as well as to other Brazilian writers and media theorists responded to the agenda of of connecting artistic, technological and environmental fields. Submissions were reviewed by the editorial group. A selection of texts was published by the British Council and the Museum of Image and Sound in Sao Paulo in 2010. This PDF and Print on Demand version extends the range of texts in the print version to include additional essays and fuller versions of others.
In addition to Paralelo’s online environment – such as the wiki and livestream of panels - , the reflection via Forum Permanente and the internal Paralelo mailinglist, this publication intends to share and disseminate ideas, concepts, knowledge threads and reflections beyond Paralelo.
Like its contributors, the texts vary widely: some refer to Paralelo as an event, while others focus on the issues and context in which it took place. Documentation, provision of access to and the dissemination of knowledge following events like Paralelo are crucial to Virtueel Platform’s publishing strategy.
About the publication
- Unfolding Narratives: in Art, Technology & Environment / Paralelo
- Narratives em Percurso: sobre Arte, Tecnologia e Meio-Ambiente
Virtueel Platform, 2010 / Language: English & Portuguese / Richly
illustrated / ISBN 9108052789490
Editorial Team: Gisela Domschke, Bronac Ferran, Roberta Mahfuz, Annette Wolfsberger Supported by: British Council, Virtueel Platform, AHRC (Arts & Humanities Research Council) & Mondriaan Foundation.
With contributions by: Marcus Bastos, Koert van Mensvoort, Katherine Bash & Sposati, Paulo Lara, Esther Polak, Karla Brunet & Juan Freire, Rachel Jacobs & Matt Watkins, Wapke Feenstra, Tapio Mäkelä, Jane Prophet, Conditional Design, Heather Cocoran & Mike Stubbs, Estudio Movel Experimental, Alexandre Freire & Fabiane Borges, Flavia Vivacqua, Claudio Rivera, Marcelo Rezende, Rob La Frenais, Rejane Spitz, Rombout Frieling, Cicero Silva, Proboscis, Felipe Fonseca & Hernani Dimantas, Marcelo Rezende, Paulo Miyada, André Mesquita, Gabriel Menotti.
About Paralelo
This unique five-day project - consisting of workshops, symposia and
live events – was hosted by the Museu of Imagen and Sound in Sao Paulo.
It brought together artists and designers working with media from three
different countries: Brazil, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. How
are new insights supported in different countries and what can we learn
from models of exchange and intercultural dialogue?
across artistic, design, scientific and technological borders leads to
new knowledge. The cultural canvas of the 21st century shows new
insights, and different ways in which disciplinary and cultural exchange
can enable research for solutions of global and local ecological
Paralelo resulted in several follow-up activities and threads - to follow them, visit: