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Mixed Reality Symposium Report
DIY Augmented Reality exhibition, MoMA NY
— Report of the International symposium on Mixed Reality at RIXC Media Space, May 20 - 21, 2005.
There is a hint of an emerging field and sector. At the moment most of its practictioners are spread out in various corporate, academic and cultural labs. Labs that come and go as they do not ground locally, are devoid of a politics of a public domain as prototyping for existing business models is the default, and have no sense of their own purpose and importance in terms of generating ontologically new scenarios of life and living in mixed realities.
Different perspectives stake out strong claims of interest in the field; both policy and business invest in securing and determining the boundaries of digital connectivity and mixed realities. For business the experience economy has made clear that experience is both market and marketable. From a policy point of view smart environments offer new forms of surveillance and citizen control.
Let us put it way too simple.
'We' (as in we who are able to live in a multitude of worlds) can either stay in our own temporary semi-autonomous zones or we can start discussing the tactical boundaries of a new field, concept building of alternative business models, notions of becoming in mixed realities and a counter instrumentalism that does not reduce our magic carpets to floorware for supermarkets.
Rasa Smite and Rob van Kranenburg will be moderating this blog. We hope all of you will send interesting clippings, quotes, ideas for projects, proposals for new alliances, anything you want! Send an email to Davis if you want an account for Mixed Reality Blog
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